Sunday 30 November 2014


Alan said...

I would normally think this is an exaggeration as it would be like hearing a person constantly say the world is flat regardless of proof. Having seen examples like this myself though it is kind of scary that things do work like this.

evert jan steen said...

Hi Alan:

Didn't quite understand the reference of your first sentence.
I then checked out your blog and will do some additional reading and maybe make some comments.

Would you be interested to have me carry a link to your blog?

Regards, Jan Steen

Alan said...

Hi Jan,

Oh, I was referencing your comment of

"BLUE' you describe, I see as 'RED!' So sorry dude, guess what? I am the JUDGE! So there!"

Basically, I am just agreeing with you that these types of things happen in the legal system from my experience/observation. From the outside as a general public you would assume this type of example is too ridiculous to actually happen but it does.

Sure, feel free to link to it. Unfortunately I am still trying to learn how one can fully tell a court experience story to further demonstrate this "It's blue but I say I see red" scenario.

evert jan steen said...

Hello to Alan....again.
Don't much go here, but just checked and would like to know more about your legal online sojourn (if you have one); strength in numbers.
Did not know about the justice + its workings...

Alan said...

Sent you an e-mail.